

7 Best Natural Ways To Heal Acne Scars

Acne is very difficult to deal with and the scars that acne caused can be quite a frustrating and embarrassing problem for any one.
Laser treatment can be helpful for eliminating embarrassing acne scars. But, not everyone can afford to have a laser treatment, so here is the good news for you. There are many ways to eliminate acne scars.
However, you will require lots of patience because it will consume some time to completely get rid off the scars and strong determination is required, followed by conscientious measurements to eliminate the acne scars .

acne scars

Natural ways to deal with acne scars

  1. Drink lots of water: Drinking water is one of the most recommended measures to reduce acne scars. It improves blood circulation in your body and increases the chance of wound-healing-ability to your body. So, you should drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water everyday, each glass should be around 300ml.
  2. Apply honey: It is believed that honey is a great skin builder and wonderfully heals acne scars. You can directly apply honey to acne scars and leave it to settle for about 10 minutes. There after rinse your face with cold water.
  3. Eat tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich source of vitamin A and has excellent healing properties to reduce appearance of acne scars. You can eat fresh raw tomatoes everyday to help heal and decrease the appearance of acne scars.
  4. Apply Aloe Vera gel: Gel or juice of Aloe Vera is highly useful in fading of acne scars. You can grow Aloe Vera plant in your home and apply freshly taken pure Aloe Vera gel to your scar. Otherwise many branded cosmetic companies manufactures pure Aloe Vera gel, so you can choose the best cosmetic companies to get Aloe Vera gel.
  5. Drink lemon juice: Lemon essentially contains good amounts of citric acid, which is a part of AHAs group that has amazing properties to reduce acne scars. Drink lemon juice as often as possible or as much as you want to get rid of acne scars.
  6. Apply ice cubes: This is one of the easiest and simplest ways of healing acne scars. Even though it may not give you immediate results, regular application can give you effective results. Apply ice cubes on acne scars for at least 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
  7. Reduce stress level: Stress is one of the major causes for acne and it might also disable the healing process of acne. Try to stay away from stress as much as possible. If it is not possible for you, at least explore different stress management techniques to eliminate stress.
Apart from following these particular healing ways, limit your intake of alcohol drinks and include more healthy diet with lots of antioxidant diet along with fruits and vegetables to successfully get rid of acne scars.

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