

Catalog page - Page Navigation

Tricks to create a list of pages add Page Navigation for Blogger Mohamed Rias is one of the tricks on the list page - Page Navigation most common. Because this is a useful procedure, so you can find them anywhere, most famous Blogger Blogspot are using this procedure, such as:

* Bloggerbuster
* Bloggertricks
* Deluxetemplates
* Blogger Pluggin

But if you notice the comments in the tutorial, then you'll make a lot of questions because comments are not showing the list page. The main cause of this error is due to:

1. Domain name in the beginning of the script is only used for the blogger (. Blogspot.com) and has been explained in detail in the article: Amanda give explanation about this.

2. There will be some no name id Blogger template 'blog-pager.

- VnBlognet [dot] com: To solve these problems, abu-Farhan had changed the script and detailed instructions complete implementation of (the correction of errors) as follows:

1/ Access to Blogger:

- Access to Blogger Dashboard (Dashboard)>> Layout (Layout)>> Edit HTML (Edit HTML).

2/ Insert code in form CSS Template:

- Find (Ctrl-F) the tag ]]>

- Change ]]> with the following code:

.showpageArea {padding: 0 2px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:10px;

.showpageArea a {border: 1px solid #505050;
color: #000000;font-weight:normal;
padding: 3px 6px !important;
padding: 1px 4px ;margin:0px 4px;
text-decoration: none;
.showpageArea a:hover {
border: 1px solid #333;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;

.showpageNum a {border: 1px solid #505050;
color: #000000;font-weight:normal;
padding: 3px 6px !important;
padding: 1px 4px ;margin:0px 4px;
text-decoration: none;

.showpageNum a:hover {
border: 1px solid #333;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;

.showpagePoint {font-size:11px;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
margin: 2px;
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid #333;
color: #fff;
background-color: #000000;


.showpage a:hover {font-size:11px;
border: 1px solid #333;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;

.showpageNum a:link,.showpage a:link {
padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
margin: 2px;
text-decoration: none;
border: 1px solid #0066cc;
color: #0066cc;
background-color: #FFFFFF;}

.showpageNum a:hover {font-size:11px;
border: 1px solid #333;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;


3/ Insert code shown:

The next step you find the code (no need to click the Expand Widget Templates) or similar commands in the templates as below:
<b:section class=’main’ id=’main’ showaddelement=’yes’>

<b:widget id=’Blog1′ locked=’true’ title=’Blog Posts’ type=’Blog’/>


Add the following code:
<script type='text/javascript'>

var home_page_url = location.href;

var pageCount=10;
var displayPageNum=6;
var upPageWord ='Previous';
var downPageWord ='Next';

function showpageCount(json) {
var thisUrl = home_page_url;
var htmlMap = new Array();
var thisNum = 1;
var postNum=1;
var itemCount = 0;
var fFlag = 0;
var eFlag = 0;
var html= '';
var upPageHtml ='';
var downPageHtml ='';


for(var i=pageCount-1, post; post = json.feed.entry[i]; i=i+pageCount) {

var timestamp1 = post.published.$t.substring(0,19)+post.published.$t.substring(23,29);
timestamp = encodeURIComponent(timestamp1);
var title = post.title.$t;
if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
thisNum = postNum;

htmlMap[htmlMap.length] = '/search?updated-max='+timestamp+'&max-results='+pageCount;


var banyaknomer = htmlMap.length;
if (json.feed.entry.length % pageCount == 0){
var banyaknomer = htmlMap.length -1 ;

for(var p =0;p< banyaknomer;p++){
if(p>=(thisNum-displayPageNum-1) && p<(thisNum+displayPageNum)){
if(fFlag ==0 && p == thisNum-2){
upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="/">'+ upPageWord +'</a></span>';
upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ upPageWord +'</a></span>';


html += '<span class="showpagePoint">'+thisNum+'</span>';
html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="/">1</a></span>';

html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ (p+1) +'</a></span>';

if(eFlag ==0 && p == thisNum){
downPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"> <a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ downPageWord +'</a></span>';

html = ''+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';

html = '<div class="showpageArea"><span style="COLOR: #000;" class="showpageOf"> Pages ('+(postNum-1)+')</span>'+html;

html += downPageHtml;

if(postNum==1) postNum++;
html += '</div>';

var pageArea = document.getElementsByName("pageArea");
var blogPager = document.getElementById("blog-pager");

if(postNum <= 2){
html ='';

for(var p =0;p< pageArea.length;p++){
pageArea[p].innerHTML = html;

html ='';

blogPager.innerHTML = html;

function showpageCount2(json) {

var thisUrl = home_page_url;
var htmlMap = new Array();
var isLablePage = thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")!=-1;
var thisLable = isLablePage ? thisUrl.substr(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")+14,thisUrl.length) : "";
thisLable = thisLable.indexOf("?")!=-1 ? thisLable.substr(0,thisLable.indexOf("?")) : thisLable;
var thisNum = 1;
var postNum=1;
var itemCount = 0;
var fFlag = 0;
var eFlag = 0;
var html= '';
var upPageHtml ='';
var downPageHtml ='';

var labelHtml = '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="/search/label/'+thisLable+'?&max-results='+pageCount+'">';
var thisUrl = home_page_url;


for(var i=pageCount-1, post; post = json.feed.entry[i]; i=i+pageCount) {
var timestamp1 = post.published.$t.substring(0,19)+post.published.$t.substring(23,29);
timestamp = encodeURIComponent(timestamp1);

var title = post.title.$t;

if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
thisNum = postNum;

if(title!='') postNum++;
htmlMap[htmlMap.length] = '/search/label/'+thisLable+'?updated-max='+timestamp+'&max-results='+pageCount;


var banyaknomer = htmlMap.length;
if (json.feed.entry.length % pageCount == 0){
var banyaknomer = htmlMap.length -1 ;

for(var p =0;p< banyaknomer;p++){
if(p>=(thisNum-displayPageNum-1) && p<(thisNum+displayPageNum)){
if(fFlag ==0 && p == thisNum-2){
upPageHtml = labelHtml + upPageWord +'</a></span>';
upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ upPageWord +'</a></span>';


html += '<span class="showpagePoint">'+thisNum+'</span>';
html = labelHtml+'1</a></span>';
html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ (p+1) +'</a></span>';

if(eFlag ==0 && p == thisNum){
downPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"> <a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ downPageWord +'</a></span>';

html = ''+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';
html = ''+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';

html = '<div class="showpageArea"><span style="COLOR: #000;" class="showpageOf"> Pages ('+(postNum-1)+')</span>'+html;

html += downPageHtml;

if(postNum==1) postNum++;
html += '</div>';

var pageArea = document.getElementsByName("pageArea");
var blogPager = document.getElementById("blog-pager");

if(postNum <= 2){
html ='';

for(var p =0;p< pageArea.length;p++){
pageArea[p].innerHTML = html;

html ='';

blogPager.innerHTML = html;


<script type='text/javascript'>

var thisUrl = home_page_url;
if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")!=-1){
if (thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max")!=-1){
var lblname1 = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")+14,thisUrl.indexOf("?updated-max"));
var lblname1 = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")+14,thisUrl.indexOf("?&max"));

var home_page = "/";
if (thisUrl.indexOf("?q=")==-1 && thisUrl.indexOf(".html")==-1){
if (thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")==-1){
document.write('<script src="'+home_page+'feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&callback=showpageCount&max-results=99999" ><\/script>')
}else{document.write('<script src="'+home_page+'feeds/posts/full/-/'+lblname1+'?alt=json-in-script&callback=showpageCount2&max-results=99999" ><\/script>')
on the bottom tag </ b: section>.

Tip: If you can not find code to search, you can search (ctrl + f) for key: id = 'main' to find.

Or if really hard you can paste them before the </ body>

In the code above, you can edit the following lines:

pageCount var = 10;

var displayPageNum = 6;

Of which:

PageCount showing the number of posts displayed on a page. Change the intention to set the number of articles on a number of your pages.

displayPageNum: show page number will display for you to choose in the list list.

4/ Edit page displays with errors Label:

However, if you see the label selection is displayed incorrectly, with abu-Farhan also change the display in the Label.

To make you do the following:

Step 1: Add Label Gadget (Layout -> Page Elements -> Add Gadget -> Select Labels)

Step 2: Blogger>> Layout>> Edit HTML. Do not forget to backup template (Download full Template) Step 3: Search the code below:
<a expr:dir=’data:blog.languageDirection’ expr:href=’data:label.url’><data:label.name/></a>

and replace them with the code:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var lblname = "<data:label.name/>";

lblname2 = encodeURIComponent(lblname);
var feedlink = '/search/label/' + lblname2+'?&max-results=10';
document.write('<a href="' + feedlink + '">'+lblname+'</a>');
and click "save template" that you've done excellent list of tips page.
You can click to view Demo;
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Say Goodbye To Skin Impurities With Blackhead Remover

Do you have a black or yellow small bump on your face? If you do, chances are you have a blackhead.
Blackhead is kind of acne vulgaris and it is not acquired by the common notion that it is caused by poor hygiene.
It is usually caused by excess oil in the face’s gland duct which consists of keratin and sebum oil. One effective to get rid of them is by using a blackhead remover.
You will be surprised to find out that these stubborn blackheads do not essentially need to be removed, because the body often does this natural process. However, if they are alarming, a number of blackhead remover treatments and tools will do the trick.

Blackhead remover treatments

The use of blackhead remover treatments may take several days to become noticeable. Here are some common treatments:
1. Benzoyl Peroxide helps in the reduction of the cause of the blackhead. Its anti-bacterial effect is the effective blackhead remover since it decreases the chemical reaction which transforms the lining of the hair follicle.
2. Tretinoin is a vitamin A derivative which reduces stickiness and returns the pore to its normal condition. It can be irritating, so it is advisable to follow the instructions on how to use it.
3. Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin which opens the pores and makes the blackheads come to the surface for easier removal.
4. Dermatologist prescribed topical or oral antibiotics may be used if the blackheads are infected.

Blackhead remover using extractions

  • The blackhead removal strip is the most famous way of removing blackheads. It is usually done by wetting the strip and placing it in the blackhead area for about 10 minutes. Its adhesive tape like strip removes the blackheads out of the pores. Those with sensitive skin are advised to be cautious in using this, because it might cause veins to appear in the face.
  • Another tried blackhead remover is the use of tweezers. Be sure to buy aligned pointed tweezers to effectively remove the blackhead from your pore and to reduce squeezing accidents which may lead to further skin damage.
  • Tissue papers can also be used as effective and cheaper blackhead remover. You just have to cover both your index fingers with tissue and work on each side of the blackhead by gently pushing it until it pops out. If the blackhead don’t come off easily, discontinue your prodding, it might lead to skin damage.
  • Going to a skin care provider which uses a number of blackhead remover tools like metal loop or double spoon extractors. They are small, circular metal instrument used by gently pushing down the surrounding skin area causing the blackhead to extrude.
Blackheads indeed cause skin impurities and may affect you in one way or the other. These blackhead remover treatments and tools are ideal for mild to moderate cases.
Should your blackheads become infected or out of control, it is best to consult your dermatologist for the proper medication and treatment.
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Distressed With Your Acne Problem? Determine Your Skin Type For The Best Acne Treatment!

Acne is the most common skin disease affecting a huge number of teenagers and adults today.
Acne most commonly affects the neck, face, shoulders, and upper back.
No matter whether you are a teenager or adult, there are thousands of acne treatment options to control your acne.
However, there is no best acne treatment that works effectively for everyone.
This is because everyone’s skin is unique. So, the best acne treatment for you depends only on your skin type.Best Acne Treatment
The skin type of yours can fall into one of the three categories: oily skin, dry skin, or combination skin. So, before finding the best acne treatment for you, identify your skin type.
The majority of people that suffer from acne have oily skin. You can determine your skin type as oily with these characteristics.
The face appears oily with open pores, the skin tends to be thicker, noticeable blackheads [Remove Blackheads] and breakouts due to blockage of pores with oil and t-zone area becomes oily very quickly after cleansing.
It is a common tendency of people that the best acne treatment for oily skin is to dry out the pores with the products that eliminates oil.
However, it is not the best acne treatment for oily skin because it makes oil glands go crazy in producing all the oil that was lost. Thus, oil production increases and the face becomes even oilier than before.
So, the best acne treatment for oily skin is to use an acne treatment product containing an oil free moisturizer. On the other hand, while using soaps or cleansers that contain no moisturizer, try to finish off your regular skin care by applying moisturizing cream (very lightly) to your face.
On the other hand, dry skin can be identified with the characteristics such as tight and dryness in the skin, absence of oil in the t-zone, skin appears dull and rough, and skin tends to be thin. [Dry Skin Care]
It is not that only oily skin can cause break outs (because of oil clogged pores); even dry skin can result in break outs with extreme dryness of the skin. Over dryness in the skin can make the skin get irritated easily and also cause blemishes.
The best acne treatment for the dry skin is a good moisturizer in addition to your acne skin care products. Remember that dry skin needs more moisturizer. So, apply moisturizer at least twice a day. However, always use oil-based moisturizer instead of oil free moisturizer.
The most confusing skin type is combination skin, as it can be normal/dry or normal/oily. A normal/dry skin shows noticeable blackheads on nose and chin, cheeks dryness, skin tightness, and limited oil in the t-zone whereas a normal/oily skin will have cheeks oily or dry, blackheads in the T-zone and the t-zone gets oil at the end of the day.
The best acne treatment for combination skin would be an oil free moisturizer with other acne skin care products. If cheeks are too dry, concentrate on applying more moisturizer to the dried area of your face.
Therefore, don’t lose your hopes, identify your skin type and follow the best acne treatment for you.
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7 Best Natural Ways To Heal Acne Scars

Acne is very difficult to deal with and the scars that acne caused can be quite a frustrating and embarrassing problem for any one.
Laser treatment can be helpful for eliminating embarrassing acne scars. But, not everyone can afford to have a laser treatment, so here is the good news for you. There are many ways to eliminate acne scars.
However, you will require lots of patience because it will consume some time to completely get rid off the scars and strong determination is required, followed by conscientious measurements to eliminate the acne scars .

acne scars

Natural ways to deal with acne scars

  1. Drink lots of water: Drinking water is one of the most recommended measures to reduce acne scars. It improves blood circulation in your body and increases the chance of wound-healing-ability to your body. So, you should drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water everyday, each glass should be around 300ml.
  2. Apply honey: It is believed that honey is a great skin builder and wonderfully heals acne scars. You can directly apply honey to acne scars and leave it to settle for about 10 minutes. There after rinse your face with cold water.
  3. Eat tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich source of vitamin A and has excellent healing properties to reduce appearance of acne scars. You can eat fresh raw tomatoes everyday to help heal and decrease the appearance of acne scars.
  4. Apply Aloe Vera gel: Gel or juice of Aloe Vera is highly useful in fading of acne scars. You can grow Aloe Vera plant in your home and apply freshly taken pure Aloe Vera gel to your scar. Otherwise many branded cosmetic companies manufactures pure Aloe Vera gel, so you can choose the best cosmetic companies to get Aloe Vera gel.
  5. Drink lemon juice: Lemon essentially contains good amounts of citric acid, which is a part of AHAs group that has amazing properties to reduce acne scars. Drink lemon juice as often as possible or as much as you want to get rid of acne scars.
  6. Apply ice cubes: This is one of the easiest and simplest ways of healing acne scars. Even though it may not give you immediate results, regular application can give you effective results. Apply ice cubes on acne scars for at least 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
  7. Reduce stress level: Stress is one of the major causes for acne and it might also disable the healing process of acne. Try to stay away from stress as much as possible. If it is not possible for you, at least explore different stress management techniques to eliminate stress.
Apart from following these particular healing ways, limit your intake of alcohol drinks and include more healthy diet with lots of antioxidant diet along with fruits and vegetables to successfully get rid of acne scars.
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5 Easy Ways To Avoid Acne Scars

Acne scars can be considered as one bad dream from many people.
The pain and discomfort of having acne during the teenage or puberty years may be temporary and can be healed with treatment and time.
However, the scars brought by the acne can remain and become a bitter reminder of the past.
Not all outbreaks caused by acne can leave acne scars, usually these scars are due to the tissue damage which happen only when an infected acne lesion run deep under the skin’s surface.

Age, ethnicity and heredity are also determining factors when considering the extent of scarring that a person can have from acne.
Acne scars can be permanent and you cannot completely erase it, so it is imperative that you find ways to avoid getting them or minimize their appearance. If scars do happen, there are ways that you can do to lessen their size or appearance.
1. Do not prick or “pop” pimples.
Fight the urge to pop, squeeze or pop your pimples that come out on your face.   Doing this can push the infection deeper into the skin, spread the inflammation and even worsen the damage into the skin tissue.
Pricking, popping and squeezing may also cause the infection to spread to other areas of the face and even worsen the breakout. It is better to just let pimples heal naturally and avoid getting acne scars.
2. Prevent Inflammation
Inflamed pimples wounds are more likely to leave acne scars as this shows how the skin underneath is experiencing stress or the tissues are already damaged.
An inflamed condition shows dark red skin which is hot and painful. Always remember that a pimple is an irritation and it is essential that further irritation must be avoided.
Scrubbing or applying harsh ingredients which are not medically tested should be best avoided when dealing with pimples to avoid        acne scars.
3. Get treatment fast
Acne scars can be best avoided and fought if you seek treatment as soon as the acne comes out. Fighting the urge to prick or pop and keeping your hands off  your pimple until it heals does not mean that you cannot seek treatment[acne treatment] for it.
You can ask professionals to analyze your acne situation and to give you good advice for treatment management and better outcome.
4. Know if you are scarring-prone
The tendency to develop acne scars from lesions and wounds differ from one person to another. If you have scars from childhood accidents or if you notice that it takes a while for your skin to recover or heal from minor irritations, scratches or skin bites, then tell your dermatologist who is treating you for acne about it.
There are specific medications that can help prevent or lessen the possibility of scarring even for those who are prone to it.
5. Seek professional help
Acne can become deep cysts, large or involve extensive breakouts and you may feel feverish and unexplained pain. Nodules, deep cysts like-pimples as well as gnawing pain may indicate that your skin tissues are being destroyed.
This can easily lead to skin trauma and acne scars. Professional medical help is very  much needed when you are experiencing severe acne problems.
Professionals will have a thorough analysis of your symptoms for you to have an improved chance of recovery and prevention of acne scars.
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Abnormal Liver Function Causes Acne

Have you heard of the common belief that your hormonal imbalance is causing your severe acne eruptions? Well, there is truth to that and in fact your liver plays an important role in it. It is wrong to just manage the symptoms of acne without finding the root cause of the problem.
The liver’s major responsibility is to store carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and blood products; it also plays a vital role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fats, transforming ammonia to urea, to be excreted out of the urine; it also synthesizes the secretion of water daily and most importantly it detoxifies drugs, bacteria and hormones.
acneThe liver however, when burdened with demanding tasks, exposed to air and water pollutants, toxic materials from tobacco and medicines, too much alcohol, poor diet and severe stress, can malfunction and send wrong signals and create a hormonal imbalance in your body.
When that happens, toxins and waste products of the body’s metabolism begin to accumulate and are manifested in your skin.
This is what happens during puberty, when the rapid growth and metabolism results to overwhelming accumulation of waste products and an increased sebum glands activity.
When the liver fails to neutralize the toxins and regulate the hormones, two things may happen; it is either stored in its own liver cells or they are re-routed to be stored in different organs, tissues and the entire skin of the body resulting to more serious problems, and one of them is severe acne.
One major complication of a malfunctioning liver is its failure to produce bile, which is very important in fat metabolism, and when this happens, a person suffers from constipation adding up to the presence of an already increased level of toxin.
To prevent this from happening, a daily liver cleanse is necessary, just like a car that needs a regular tune up and a house needing regular cleaning; the liver also needs to be kept in tip top shape to keep it functioning at its maximum level.
To do this here are 5 easy steps to follow in liver detox:
Step 1
You should decide how long you plan to do your liver detox, it could be from 5 days to 30 days the most. But the best way is to do it daily by making the right food choices.
Step 2
Stick to a diet with loads of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds during your detox. These are foods that are easy to digest and are rich in fiber needed to cleanse the digestive system and the liver.
Have a regular exercise schedule and stick to it during your detox. Exercise promotes blood circulation in all areas of the body, helping speed up the detoxification and promoting the healing process.
Step 4
You may take recommended herbal supplements to improve your liver function and give your immune system its needed boost. Some of the herbs include Burdock Root, Dandelion Roots, and Red Clover.
Step 5
Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water. This is a must, as this will help flush out all the bad bacteria and toxins from your body.
Remember, that a healthy functioning liver will keep your hormones balanced and help you keep away from unwanted acne.
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Caring For Your Skin At Any Age

We've become a society obsessed with our looks. It's been noted that we spend more on beauty products in the west than we do on education.

Why are we so obsessed? Because good skin care and looking younger is easier and more affordable than ever before. We know more about the skin today than we ever did. There are advanced skin care products that can erase years, and of course, plastic surgery and botox treatments have become safer and are becoming cheaper.

Are we justified in our obsession?

They say that beauty is only skin deep, and while I believe this to be true it's also important to do what feels right for you. If keeping up appearances gets you through the day then, by all means, that's what you need to do, however I'm not a fan of going under the knife. With the huge advances made in skin care products today, I'd much prefer taking the less invasive route.

Here's a few age related tips and remedies that will help boost your skin's appearance at any age without needles or knives.

20 Something
Your skin is at its peak of beauty in your twenties, however nurture its beauty with daily sun protection and always use at least an SPF 30 sunscreen. Of course this should continue at any age.

Avoid oily makeup and coverups. Use an oil free moisturizer every day. This is also a good time to begin using an eye cream under the eye area at night.

Try using products that contain green tea which have shown to help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

30 Something
Your 30's is when your skin is beginning to become a bit drier and sun damage may begin to appear. It's time to start using thicker moisturizing creams so as to lock in high contents of moisture. Continue with eye creams at night and use your sunscreen religiously. Also, skin bleaching products may need to be used to diminish dark spots from sun damage.

Hint: Put your moisturizer on over damp skin. This helps lock in more moisture.

40 Something
It's time to kick it up another notch. Your forties is when your skin loses much of it tightness. It may begin to look dull and your pores may become larger. Blotches, freckles, age spots, discoloration, and changes in skin color may become much more visible. Retinoids, anti-oxidants and alpha hydroxy acids can improve the look of your skin and your 40's would be a good time to begin using them. Of course it's essential that you continue using a thick moisturizer and eye serums on a daily basis.

Home microdermabrasion kits are also an option that can result in a smoother more even appearing skin texture and tone while rejuvenating your skin's texture and color.

50 Something
Changes in your skin have reached high gear. Menopause has assisted in the loss of Estrogen which is what has given your skin its elasticity and kept it hydrated, however since those estrogen levels have diminished, you will begin seeing wrinkles form around your eyes, drooping eyelids and expression lines around the mouth and forehead.

Begin using anti-aging or wrinkle reducing formulas such as vitamin A (Retinol) or Glycolic acid products. Retin A has proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin texture, skin tone and color, as well as your skin's hydration levels.

Glycolic acid will trigger new formation of collagen to plump cells and reduce wrinkles on the skin’s surface. Postmenopausal women can also use a cream containing progesterone that may improve skin elasticity and firmness.

60 Something
By age 60 all types of collagen are significantly below their youthful levels. There are, however wonderful hydrating creams that contain Alpha Hydroxy acids (Glycolic acids), soy, green tea and retinol (vitamin A) which your skin will need now that it is drier and showing major signs of age. The alpha Hydroxy acids will help reduce droopy skin and the retinol will reduce your fine lines.

60 Plus
Your skin's texture will become visibly less smooth and you will most likely begin to see age spots. You'll appreciate the early care you've given to your skin because the signs of aging will be minimal, however, if you haven't started early you'll clearly notice the effects of neglect.

While it's never too late to take care of your skin the damage you already have will be difficult to reduce without special medical treatments such as botox or perhaps cosmetic surgery. All the above should continue to be applied but it is wise to consult your physician on advanced treatments.

If you're haven't yet reached 60, the best skin care advice is to follow a good skin care regimen at an early age. It's an easy habit to get into and best of all, you'll thank yourself later.
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Vitamins For Healthy Skin

Here are several Topically Applied Supplements and vitamins that can be applied to your skin and their specific benefits.
Chromium - For acne. Chromium reduces skin infections.

Zinc - Zinc aids in healing of the tissues and helps prevent scarring.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E has been shown to play an important role in protecting skin from environmental and oxidative damage. It's also an excellent remedy for dry skin.

D-Panthenol - substance that is readily converted into vitamin B5. It is known to help the skin repair damage.

Hyaluronic acid
This is a natural moisturizer that already exists in our skin naturally and surrounds the collagen and elastin fibres. As we age, we produce less hyaluronic acid in our skin, making our skin less resilient and pliable. Hyaluronic acid is used in many  moisturizers and can also be injected by doctors into the skin.

Niacinamide (vitamin B3)
Helps exfoliate surface skin cells to reveal, newer, younger looking skin

These are lipids that help to prevent moisture loss through the skin. Consider skin moisturizer supplements as well.

Retinyl proprionate
A special  form of Vitamin A (retinol). It is part of a class of retinoids. It can improve the appearance of sun damaged skin by reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles, skin roughness and appearance of age spots. It is a larger molecule than retinol, which is often referred to as the pure form of Vitamin A.

Retinoic acid
A derivative of vitamin A and has been used in the treatment of acne.  It has been known to  increase collagen production and reduce wrinkles, but it can have unpleasant side-effects   such as extreme sensitivity to sunlight, with increased reddening of the skin and peeling.

Dermatologists sometimes prescribe it for severe sun damage. Some cosmetics may contain small amounts of retinoic acid derivatives, which have some hydrating effects.

Lipisomes (lipids or fats) are filled with active ingredients and carry these ingredients to where the skin needs it the most. The not only carry the needed ingredients but they can release the ingredients as needed.

These are smaller versions of liposomes. Their smaller size allows them to penetrate deeper into the skin.

A Word of Caution:It is extremely important to note that taking too much of a vitamin or mineral can be toxic and extremely dangerous. Always follow the instructions on any vitamins or supplements that you take.

Beware of the thinking that "if a little is good a lot must be better". In most cases when it comes to vitamins for the skin, drugs or other ingested formulas, too much can be extremely harmful or toxic.
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Organic beauty recipes

Nature is the newest trend in skin and hair care. For years, we’ve been putting toxic chemicals into our bodies that build up and make us feel tired and sick, regardless of whether we eat them or if they seep though our pores. And people are finally catching on that natural is better.
Most stores now have a line of “natural” beauty products. Unfortunately, they often come with a big price tag attached too. Often times many of these products are not actually “natural” so it does pay to do your homework to ensure you are getting what you pay for.
Fortunately actually making beauty products yourself isn’t too difficult. So if you want beauty products that you know are natural and are also inexpensive, just make them yourself. Here are 5 quick and easy recipes you can make at yourself.
Masked BeautyFace Mask
Eating good food helps give you the right nutrients you need to look good. You can get more of these vitamins and minerals by putting the good stuff right on the skin.
Combining a mashed carrot, mashed avocado, and a beaten egg with a half cup a few tablespoons of honey creates a great face mask that provides vitamins, and improves the tone and texture of your skin. Just stir well, apply, let sit for about 15 minutes, and then wash off with cool water.
After you’re washed and nourished your skin, you can use grated cucumber or diluted lemon juice as a toner to help tighten your skin and close up your pores to close your pores and keep your skin looking great.
Hair Conditioner
Many people pay a lot of money for a conditioner that actually makes your hair look and feel good. Here’s a great natural recipe to save you money and help your hair.
Just mix an egg yolk with a tablespoon of castor oil and apply to hair. Let sit for about ten minutes and rinse out. You can use this every so often as a conditioning treatment for healthy shiny hair. If you like being experimental, you can try mixing other kitchen items, herbs, and natural items with eggs for healthy, shiny hair.
Hand and Foot Cream
A quick face mask will help make you look great in not a lot of time, but hands and feet require extra care.
Use ½ cup of olive oil mixed with natural sea salt and massage into your hands and feet. Leave a few minutes to soak and then rinse off with warm water.
When it comes to natural beauty products, these recipes are just the start. You can find hundreds of different combinations in natural beauty books, magazines, and on the internet. Or you can go to your kitchen cabinet and make your own special creations.
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Natural Skin Care Tips for Healthier, Beautiful Skin

When meeting someone new, most people take notice of the person’s face first. For this and other reasons, maintaining clean, healthy skin is paramount to self-esteem, confidence and even attitude.
Getting healthier skin is not contingent upon high-cost prescription medications or obsessive skin care routines. Modifying your daily routine a tiny bit and upholding disciplined cleansing habits can help to add flawless skin to the list of your best qualities.
Eat healthier
By avoiding foods that often make your face breakout, your skin will be less oily and more resistant to blemishes. Some problem foods that may cause pimples or breakouts include chocolate and other candy, French fries, fast food, pizza and soft drinks.
To get your skin in better shape, you may not have to give up everything that has negative effects on your skin, but rather, eat those things in moderation. Have greasier foods as a special treat or on rare occasion when eating a healthy, balanced meal is out of the question.
Hydrate and exercise
Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day coupled with some regular exercise – walking, running, bicycling, engaging in sports – should have a great impact on one’s complexion. Increased blood flow due to aerobic exercise will positively impact one’s complexion with a glowing look to replace dull skin.
Not only will exercise and drinking water help skin tone and texture, but it will also make you feel more energized and great about yourself. By keeping your body in shape, you will feel less stressed and more capable of achieving those things you set out to do.
Monitor sun exposure
By using a moderate strength sunscreen, you will be protecting your skin from sun damage, skin cancer, aging and premature wrinkles. Too much sun can blister one’s lips, leaving them red, sore and charred. Sunburned skin will eventually peel most times, leaving skin areas blotchy and sensitive. The best approach to preventing sunburn and other sun-caused skin problems is to monitor how much time one spends in the sun and to avoid sun exposure by using sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater.
Practice a regular cleansing routine
Cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize – this daily routine should carry you on your way toward healthier skin. Select a gentle skin cleansing solution that works for your specific type of skin – dry, oily, normal. Using your selected product, cleanse face in a circular motion and rinse with lukewarm water, as hot water zaps skin’s moisture.
Follow the cleansing stage with an exfoliant. A granular product is often especially effective in smoothing rough areas and releasing dead skin cells, allowing the face to be better moisturized. Perfect moisturizer
After the exfoliation process concludes, use a toner or an astringent to tighten skin and remove any makeup or cleanser residue. A nice alternative to a toner or astringent would be doing a facial masque at least once a week, which tackles clogged pores while also firming skin and leaving it soft and silky.
Finally, pat skin dry with a soft towel but do not dry up all the water. Apply a moisturizer (with or without sunscreen) to help protect skin from dryness. Those who have oily skin do not have to moisturize as often as those who have dry, normal or combination skin.
By following the daily skin care routine along with drinking lots of water, exercising and protecting your skin from sun damage, you should soon notice positive results. Maintaining discipline and adhering to your goal to achieve healthier skin make the actual task at hand so much easier to accomplish.
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How To Get Gorgeous Skin

  • Don’t go to bed with makeup on. Makeup left on overnight seeps into your pores, clogs them, and congests your skin. Make sure that you wash your face twice at the end of the day. Once to get the makeup off. A second time to wash the skin itself.

  • Exfoliate daily. After washing your face at night, be sure to exfoliate. Use a delicate scrub. If you don’t have one on hand, a tablespoon of sugar or oatmeal will work just fine.

  • Use facial masks regularly. If possible, everyday is ideal. Again, if you don’t have one on hand, make your own. Mashed banana or avocado is good. Plain yogurt also works well.

  • Keep a treatment and moisturizer on your face, day or night. Put your skin first. After you wash it at night, put on some kind of skin treatment, whether it’s alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin A or C, or any kind of special cocktail treatment. Let that sink in, then put a moisturizer over that. In the morning, do the same.

  • Stay away from the cheapest or most expensive cosmetics.
    Mom tells me that moderately priced cosmetics are the best. They get the job done, and the ingredients are usually pretty good. You have to keep trying various brands until you find something that works well for you.

  • Hydrate your face throughout the day. Whether it’s a commercial product, or one you make yourself (fill a spray bottle with distilled water, add a few drops of chamomile or rose essential oil, shake it gently before each use, and spray it on) hydrate your face, even over makeup, frequently throughout the day.

  • Treat your face gently. Never pull, tug, or scrub your facial skin. Be very gentle when you clean it, moisturize it or makeup on it. This will lessen the chance that you’ll damage your skin and get wrinkles.

  • Keep your face covered when you’re in the sun. As beautiful as she is, my mom never lets anyone see her face when she’s in the sun. She’ll slather on a high factor sunscreen, put on sunglasses, and a wide brimmed hat.

  • Eat fresh foods and drink lots of water. My mom tells me to stay away from “dead food” food that’s basically not fresh. She always eat lots of veggies, fruits, nuts, and drinks tons of water.

  • Let go of stress. Stress can show up on your face, no matter how well you take care of your skin. Do something your enjoy everyday, whether it’s watching TV or going shopping. Your face reflects what’s going on inside of your mind.

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    Beauty Foods and Natural Beauty Ingredients

    Here are some healthy finds from the blogosphere:

    Beauty Snob has a beautiful post about 8 foods you should eat every day. It includes a cute little key that indicates the bennies of each particular food.
    Beauty by Nature talks about Pure and Positive Energy and treating your body like a temple so it can radiate with beauty.
    Something sweet: Honey Skin Care Recipes from Yoga Coffee Outlook.
    Homemade Skin Treats from Suite 101.
    All Natural Mineral Makeup: Giella from GlamBlush.
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    Age-Defying Skin Secrets from GlamSpirit

    I am not a beauty expert, but I am frequently told that I have really good skin. In my experience good skin comes from a wholesome, nutrient-rich diet, 8 hours of sleep each night, drinking plenty of water and keeping my energy body clear.
    In addition the beauty regimen listed above, I do have one guiltless (unsolicited, non sponsored) beauty obsession. It’s called SKII. Someone gave me a bottle as a gift and that’s when I and became hooked.
    The secret ingredient: Sake. Well, not just sake, it’s actually the fermentation of yeast and enzymes needed to create sake that set this beauty potion apart from the rest.
    Here’s the story from SK-II’s website:
    For almost a generation, Japanese women have known a secret. This secret was discovered by a Japanese monk who visited a sake brewery in Kobe.
    He was surprised to discover that the brewery workers had extraordinary soft and youthful hands. Even an elderly man with pronounced wrinkles on his face possessed the silky smooth hands of a young boy. This observation encouraged the monk to conduct a series of experiments. He eventually discovered a clear, nutrient-rich liquid that could be extracted during the yeast fermentation process. He shared his findings with a group of skincare scientists, who became equally excited by the potential of his discovery.
    Before you run off to Japan to go work for a sake factory, consider treating yourself or asking a loved one to treat you to a bottle of SK-II.
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    The Secret to Clear Skin

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    Beauty Skin Care Routine

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    How to style medium length asian mullet/hair !

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    Tutorial: How to style your hair (Gatsby Style)

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    How To Add Flash Animated Label Tags Cloud Widget For Blogger ( blogspot )

    Hi all, blogger blogging platform by default give you the ability to add Labels for your post, so you can add and display your blog Labels at your sidebar.
    but because we all want our blogs look great for our visitors, we need to give this labels good style,
    So now, we’ll learn how to add amazing tag/labels cloud widget to our sidebar instate of the normal one that presented by blogger.
    We’ll do it in few steps.
    1. Log into your blogger account.
    2. Go to dashboard >> layout >> Edit HTML
    3. Find the next code

    <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

    You can find it by clicking ctrl+f in your browser.
    And past the next code just after the above code.

    <b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
    <b:if cond='data:title'>
    <div class='widget-content'>
    <script src='http://halotemplates.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-cumulus-example/swfobject.js' type='text/javascript'/>
    <div id='flashcontent'></div>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var so = new SWFObject("http://halotemplates.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-cumulus-example/tagcloud.swf", "tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
    // uncomment next line to enable transparency
    //so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
    so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
    so.addVariable("mode", "tags");
    so.addVariable("distr", "true");
    so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
    so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><data:label.name/></a></b:loop></tags>");
    so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
    <b:include name='quickedit'/>
    4. Click save template and now check your Blog. And enjoy.
    - You can change it’s location at your side bar by going to dashboard >> layout
    and move it up or down.
    - you can change the widget width and height by editing this part in the code.
    width="250" height="200"
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